KC Stillmoor Coffee Creme

Stillmoor Coffee Creme

Born: April 8th 2013
Sire:KC Bordertime Red Alert at Stillmoor
Dam:KC Stillmoor Hot Gossip
Bred By: Miss P Ackary
Hip Score 7/5
EyeTested Clear of CEA/CH,CPRA,PLL,
DNA Clear: CL & TNS

Proven - Available for Stud to Health Tested Bitches

Teddy is a gorgeous long coated red and white Border Collie dog that I purchased in July 2018 from his previous owners, Mr & Mrs Roe at Wisbech.
I have loved this dog ever since I first saw him several years back when I went to buy one of his bitch puppies, Savannah. I was so impressed with her sweet temperament that I returned the following year to buy 2 more puppies, namely Edward and Meggie (Meggie is the mother of Sparky) and then a year later returned again and bought 2 more bitches Asia & India, and then a year later purchased Molly. I later sold Meggie, Savannah, Molly, Asia and India when I was downsizing to retire from breeding Border Collies, but I have kept Edward whom you can read about on his own page.

Teddy is very loving and sweet natured and he, like all of his offspring, will walk close at my side or just behind me. He is much loved by everyone and I would recommend his puppies to families because he is so gentle, as is his son Edward. Both would make fantastic pat dogs in hospitals and care homes for they are the sort of dogs one can drape their arm around and tell all problems to, and these 2 dogs will just sit comfortably close and listen.

Teddy with great grandson, Sparky

Teddy & Edward